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一日も早い復旧と日常を取り戻せることを願っております。 Praha House も、房総半島を全域に被害をもたらした台風15号の影響で停電などの被害がありましたが、営業は再開しております。 滞在中に被災したゲスト様や、キャンセルになってしまいましたゲスト様には、ご迷惑をおかけしたことをお詫びします。 また、復旧に向けてご協力いただきました関係者の皆様にお礼申し上げます。


予約は、Rooms & Rates または、一休.com よりお願いします。

質問などがございましたら、Contact より、お問い合わせ下さい。


First of all, I express my deepest sympathy to everyone who were affected by Typhoon 15 & 19. I hope you'll be the earliest recovery and back to normal. Praha House also affected like blackout days by Typhoon 15, which was the strongest once across the Boso peninsula. Now Praha House has started our operation again.

I need to say sorry for the guests who were affected and cancelled due to the typhoon and also say thank you so much for people who supported for re-opening, Praha House. ENow, I'm very looking forward to welcoming you again! Please book Rooms & Rates and enjoy Praha House. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us. We are looking forward to your reservation and stay!



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