2024 夏シーズンにご滞在いただきましたゲスト様、 ならびに関係者のみなさまにお礼申し上げます。 今シーズンは、数日台風の影響はありましたが、 連日の夏日、猛暑日が続き、暑い夏となりました。 Praha House 近くの新舞子海岸では海水浴で賑わっておりましたね。
予約は、Rooms & Rates または、一休.com よりお願いします。
質問などがございましたら、Contact より、お問い合わせ下さい。
Thank you for all the guests who stayed at Summer season and other people who have been supporting for Praha House in 2024 It was really hot summer including higher than 35 °C days!!! Plus, it was really nice to see that Shinmaiko Beach near Praha House was crowded by so many kids, families, friends, etc.
Praha House is looking forward to welcoming you next Summer season!
Please book Rooms & Rates and enjoy Praha House. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us. We are looking forward to your reservation and stay!
