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8 月に入りました。夏休みシーズン本番ですね。 たくさんの予約、ならびにご滞在ありがとうございます。

ゲスト様のおかげで、8 月は、ほぼ予約が入っておりますが、

9 月は、まだ余裕がありますので、遅い夏休みを計画中の方は、 Praha House でのご滞在を検討いただければ幸いです。


予約は、Rooms & Rates または、一休.com よりお願いします。

質問などがございましたら、Contact より、お問い合わせ下さい。


August has just started. It's the time for Summer vacation! Thank you for lots of reservations, also staying at Praha House. It has been almost fully booked in August, but there are some available rooms in September. That would be great if you plan to stay at Praha House for your late summer vacation.

It's still hot these days, but I hope you enjoy summer season! Please book Rooms & Rates and enjoy Praha House. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us. We are looking forward to your reservation and stay!



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