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Praha House 滞在の満足度は?

来月で、Praha House オープン 1 周年を迎えます。



Praha House 滞在の満足度は?

回答者数: 16 名

評価方法: 5段階 ("5. 大満足! また滞在したい", "1. 2度と滞在したくない")

レーティング: 4.88

非常に高い評価をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 この評価にふさわしい、Praha House 滞在体験の向上に努めていきます。

予約は、Rooms & Rates または、一休.com - Praha House よりお願いします。

質問などがございましたら、Contact より、お問い合わせ下さい。


Praha House 1st anniversary comes next month in July.

Thank all the guests for your stay and feedback as well.

Now Praha House would like to share the customer satisfaction survey results. What's your satisfaction of staying at Praha House?

Number of Respondent: 16

Grade: 1 (Never stay again) to 5 (Super! Come back again soon)

Rating: 4.88 *See the above chart for more details.

Thanks a lot for your very high rating scores.

Praha House will keep delivering greater experience for all the guest!

Please book Rooms & Rates and enjoy Praha House.

If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us. We are looking forward to your reservation and stay!



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