7/14 に、Praha House をオープンして1ヶ月がたちました。
みなさまの声が、より良い Praha House での滞在体験につながります。
プールは、9月上旬までの予定で、遅くとも、9/18(月) 敬老の日には終了します。
質問などがございましたら、Contact より、お問い合わせ下さい。
One month has passed since Praha House opened on July 14, 2017. Thanks all the Guests who stayed at Praha House and gave feedback. Your voices will improve Praha House experience in the future. Also, thanks a lot for your support to operate smoothly during the hard launch days. There are still a couple of vacant days in August, and more days in September to stay. As for Pool, it'll be close by Sep 18 at the latest for your information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us. We are looking forward to your reservation and stay!